PVC Centre Pivot Roof Windows
Get excellent, reliable PVC centre-pivot windows with Ak Roof Windows. Scroll down to our selection below and choose one that suits you — you’re going to find an exceptional selection of amazing PVC centre-pivot windows.
Center Pivot
Center Pivot
Center Pivot
Center Pivot
Center Pivot
Center Pivot
Center Pivot
Center Pivot
Frequently Asked Questions
Although these windows might look difficult to handle and adjust at first sight, this couldn’t be further from the truth. You can easily adjust centre-pivot windows by simply opening its handle and pushing it out. After you adjust it to the desired level, you bring one of the metal feet down which would ensure the window stays in place, and that’s it.
Fitting in a PVC centre-pivot window in your roof is not a complicated task. There are some elements that should be paid close attention to, however: the angle of the roof should be considered. It is best to consult a builder, but in general, there should be no problems with installation in most roofs.
There’s a widespread rumour the PVC windows are somehow toxic for humans, but this is totally baseless. PVC is one of the top ten plastics manufactured around the world, and one of the main reasons is due to how safe it is. There have been tens of research papers on the long-term impact of PVC materials, and they’ve almost all universally found that they don’t present any measurable health issues.